How To Stop Your Dog From Pooping Inside The House

patrick onwe
6 min readNov 29, 2020

If your dog is pooping in the house, it would not be the best idea to get angry on the dog, or punish the dog, as this more often than not would not stop the behavior.

Your first step is to understand why, and by so doing you can follow up with a plan to get the best result. The following steps should help in figuring out a remedial action.

Training Seems Paramount

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Just like every other animal, including human, a dog need the proper training to associate its toilet outside the house with pooping. A very young puppy needs to be observed consistently, to notice when its start showing signs that it is about to poop; and quickly taken to the potty outside. In case it mistakenly poops inside the house, do not be in a hurry to punish, as it may really not know the reason for the punishment. Rather, show reward, with a praise or treat whenever it successfully poops in the right place. Rewards work like magic with canines.

When it comes to pooping, very young puppies do that more often, because their bladders and bowels are still very small and would not hold on for long hours. And the very young dog is still not very familiar with its environment, so as to know the areas reserved for toileting.

It is also not uncommon for newly adopted dogs to make mistakes pooping inside, till it gets familiar with the environment, and gets used to getting to its potty outside the house.

You might just need to download a short dog training course, to get further help with improving your dog intelligence and social behaviors.

Clean Off the Poop Thoroughly Immediately

As soon as your dog mistakenly poops inside, quickly get rid of the dirt and clean the area thoroughly to remove every trace of smell. Dogs tend to get back to the same spot to poop if the find traces of smell of their poop.

Workout Meal and Defecation Schedule

Take your time to study your dog’s body system between each meal and the time it poops. Knowing this, you should take the dog outside, closer to its toilet place, as the time it goes to toilet gets closer. If your dog poops in the garden, take it out for a walk in the garden as it gets closer to the time it poops. This will enable the dog to form the association, and soon the dog would have to go outside unassisted at regular time intervals after each meal.

Confirm Your Dog’s Health

Take a good look at the poop, to see signs of stomach upset. A dog that suddenly changed the toilet habit might be having diarrhea or stomach related medical issue. It may be having an inflammatory bowel Disease, parasite infection, muscle atrophy, etc. If your dog suddenly developed inappropriate toilet habit, it is even more sensible to check with a vet first. By treating the related disease, if any, the dog should be able to make the right adjustment.

Could It Be Anxiety?

Like their human companions, dogs are not free from the effects of anxiety, and this can affect the toilet habit. If you have moved to a new house, or neighborhood, or brought in a new pet in the house, your dog may not just find it easy at first. Certain behaviors could be affected, and toileting might as well be one of them. And also check with the environment where the dog’s toilet is kept, to be sure that something scary to the dog did not and could not happen there. Something as trivial to us as a car suddenly appearing with a loud sound can cause distress to your dog, making it to avoid the designated toilet place.

Perhaps your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, like when you go out to work for long hours, or when everyone in the house had gone out. Separation anxiety could result to inappropriate toilet behaviors in dogs. You could reduce separation anxiety in your dog by starting with leaving the dog by itself for short periods of time, and gradually increasing the period of separation. Over days, and even months of this deliberate practice, your dog can get familiar with being without you, and this would take care of separation anxiety.

In addition, you might employ pheromones anxiety treatment for your dogs. Pheromones are actually naturally occurring chemicals that certain animals perceive with receptors between the nose and the mouth; and it gives the animal a sense of safety. Synthetic pheromones could be sprayed, rubbed on the dog’s collar, or on the pet’s bed. Pheromones can work very well with dogs suffering from separation anxiety.

You can actually learn more about how appeasing pheromones work with dogs, to see if you can apply that in your case.

Could It Be Excitement?

Almost every dog shows signs of excitement every now and then. Perhaps the dog is just meeting you after a long trip from home. But for some unclear reasons, some dogs lose control of their bowel muscles when excited. If you notice that this is the case with yours, monitor it and for any occasion that would bring about that intense level of excitement, get the dog closer to its toilet. To you, joy should not cause trouble. But the dear dog is just innocent.

Your Dog Is Not Trying To Get Back at You

We humans have a tendency to carry out our revenge whenever we are maltreated. Because dogs are intelligent animals, it is not uncommon for a dog owner to conclude that the dog just got naughty with toileting to show that it was not happy with the way it was treated yesterday. Please do not lose your cool further; dogs are not wired this way mentally and emotionally.

Punishment Is Usually Counter-productive

Though dog poop in the house could be very annoying, it is never the best idea to lose your temper and punish your dog. It might seem to work, because out of fear the dog will try not to ever poop in front of you. You go for a walk together, and the dog gets pressed, but it would hold on because you are there. By the time it gets home, it can hold on no more. So, another poop at home happens.

Rather than punish bad behavior, reward good behavior. This works very well with man as well as dog. If your dog poops on the carpet, quickly pick the poop up and take the dog and the poop to the appropriate place, and place the poop at the appropriate dog toilet, the potty perhaps, right in front of the dog; while you try to restrict the dog right there for a while, in case it wishes to continue. This way, your dog makes the appropriate association. And whenever it gets it right, reward it with praise, or a treat. The dog gets happy and keeps doing more of the better behavior.

There are several ways to make your dog to cooperate with you, without having to yell or spank or punish


The information above represents the personal my personal opinion based on my experience and that of other dog owners. And the links provided are not my endorsement of the content from the link sources. If you are really having hard times with your dog or other pet, I recommend you also do your due diligence to research on where to get expert help. And if your do really suffers from a medical challenge, or you have a strong reason to suspect that it is having a medical challenge, do not engage in self treatment, but quickly get the help of a vet doctor.

